Source code for ott.solvers.utils

# Copyright OTT-JAX
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from typing import Any, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from ott.geometry import costs, pointcloud
from ott.solvers import linear, quadratic

__all__ = [

ScaleCost_t = Union[float, Literal["mean", "max_cost", "median"]]

[docs] def match_linear( x: jnp.ndarray, y: Optional[jnp.ndarray], cost_fn: Optional[costs.CostFn] = None, epsilon: Optional[float] = None, scale_cost: ScaleCost_t = 1.0, **kwargs: Any ) -> jnp.ndarray: """Compute solution to a linear OT problem. Args: x: Source point cloud of shape ``[n, d]``. y: Target point cloud of shape ``[m, d]``. cost_fn: Cost function. epsilon: Regularization parameter. scale_cost: Scaling of the cost matrix. kwargs: Additional arguments for :func:`ott.solvers.linear.solve`. Returns: Optimal transport matrix. """ geom = pointcloud.PointCloud( x, y, cost_fn=cost_fn, epsilon=epsilon, scale_cost=scale_cost ) out = linear.solve(geom, **kwargs) return out.matrix
[docs] def match_quadratic( xx: jnp.ndarray, yy: jnp.ndarray, x: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None, y: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None, scale_cost: ScaleCost_t = 1.0, cost_fn: Optional[costs.CostFn] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> jnp.ndarray: """Compute solution to a quadratic OT problem. Args: xx: Source point cloud of shape ``[n, d1]``. yy: Target point cloud of shape ``[m, d2]``. x: Linear (fused) term of the source point cloud. y: Linear (fused) term of the target point cloud. scale_cost: Scaling of the cost matrix. cost_fn: Cost function. kwargs: Additional arguments for :func:`ott.solvers.quadratic.solve`. Returns: Optimal transport matrix. """ geom_xx = pointcloud.PointCloud(xx, cost_fn=cost_fn, scale_cost=scale_cost) geom_yy = pointcloud.PointCloud(yy, cost_fn=cost_fn, scale_cost=scale_cost) if x is None: geom_xy = None else: geom_xy = pointcloud.PointCloud( x, y, cost_fn=cost_fn, scale_cost=scale_cost ) out = quadratic.solve(geom_xx, geom_yy, geom_xy, **kwargs) return out.matrix
[docs] def sample_joint(rng: jax.Array, tmat: jnp.ndarray) -> Tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]: """Sample jointly from a transport matrix. Args: rng: Random number generator. tmat: Transport matrix of shape ``[n, m]``. Returns: Source and target indices of shape ``[n,]`` and ``[m,]``, respectively. """ n, m = tmat.shape tmat_flattened = tmat.flatten() indices = jax.random.choice( rng, len(tmat_flattened), p=tmat_flattened, shape=[n] ) src_ixs = indices // m tgt_ixs = indices % m return src_ixs, tgt_ixs
[docs] def sample_conditional( rng: jax.Array, tmat: jnp.ndarray, *, k: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]: """Sample conditionally from a transport matrix. Args: rng: Random number generator. tmat: Transport matrix of shape ``[n, m]``. k: Expected number of samples to sample per source sample. Returns: Source and target indices of shape ``[n, k]`` and ``[m, k]``, respectively. """ assert k > 0, "Number of samples per source must be positive." n, m = tmat.shape src_marginals = tmat.sum(axis=1) rng, rng_ixs = jax.random.split(rng, 2) indices = jax.random.choice(rng_ixs, a=n, p=src_marginals, shape=(n,)) tmat = tmat[indices] rngs = jax.random.split(rng, n) tgt_ixs = jax.vmap( lambda rng, row: jax.random.choice(rng, a=m, p=row, shape=(k,)), in_axes=[0, 0], )(rngs, tmat) # (m, k) src_ixs = jnp.repeat(indices[:, None], k, axis=1) # (n, k) return src_ixs, tgt_ixs
[docs] def uniform_sampler( rng: jax.Array, num_samples: int, low: float = 0.0, high: float = 1.0, offset: Optional[float] = None ) -> jnp.ndarray: r"""Sample from a uniform distribution. Sample :math:`t` from a uniform distribution :math:`[low, high]`. If `offset` is not :obj:`None`, one element :math:`t` is sampled from :math:`[low, high]` and the K samples are constructed via :math:`(t + k)/K \mod (high - low - offset) + low`. Args: rng: Random number generator. num_samples: Number of samples to generate. low: Lower bound of the uniform distribution. high: Upper bound of the uniform distribution. offset: Offset of the uniform distribution. If :obj:`None`, no offset is used. Returns: An array of shape ``[num_samples, 1]``. """ if offset is None: return jax.random.uniform(rng, (num_samples, 1), minval=low, maxval=high) t = jax.random.uniform(rng, (1, 1), minval=low, maxval=high) mod_term = ((high - low) - offset) return (t + jnp.arange(num_samples)[:, None] / num_samples) % mod_term