Source code for ott.solvers.linear.univariate

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import functools
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple

import jax
import jax.experimental.sparse as jesp
import jax.numpy as jnp

from ott.math import utils as mu
from ott.problems.linear import linear_problem

__all__ = [

[docs] class UnivariateOutput(NamedTuple): r"""Output of the univariate solver. Args: prob: Linear problem between two weighted ``[n, d]`` and ``[m, d]`` point clouds. ot_costs: Array of shape ``[d,]`` of OT costs, computed independently along each of the :math:`d` slices. paired_indices: Array of shape ``[d, 2, n + m]``, of :math:`n + m` pairs of indices, for which the optimal transport assigns mass, on each slice of the :math:`d` slices described in the dataset. Namely, for each index :math:`0 <= k < n + m`, :math:`0 <= s < d`, if one has :math:`i := \text{paired_indices}[s, 0, k]` and :math:`j := \text{paired_indices}[s, 1, k]`, then point :math:`i` in the first point cloud sends mass to point :math:`j` in the second, in slice :math:`s`. mass_paired_indices: ``[d, n + m]`` array of weights. Using the notation above, if :math:`0 <= k < n + m`, and :math:`0 <= s < d` then writing :math:`i := \text{paired_indices}[s, 0, k]` and :math:`j := \text{paired_indices}[s, 1, k]`, point :math:`i` sends :math:`\text{mass_paired_indices}[s, k]` to point :math:`j`. dual_a: Array of shape ``[n,]`` containing the first dual variable. dual_b: Array of shape ``[m,]`` containing the second dual variable. """ prob: linear_problem.LinearProblem ot_costs: jnp.ndarray paired_indices: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None mass_paired_indices: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None dual_a: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None dual_b: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None @property def transport_matrices(self) -> jesp.BCOO: """Array of shape ``[d, n, m]`` containing all transport matrices. The matrices will be sparse, with at most :math:`n + m` entries for each of the :math:`d` slices. """ b = len(self.ot_costs) n, m = self.prob.geom.shape data = self.mass_paired_indices indices = self.paired_indices.swapaxes(1, 2) return jesp.BCOO((data, indices), shape=(b, n, m)) @property def mean_transport_matrix(self) -> jesp.BCOO: """Mean transport matrix, averaged over :math:`d` slices.""" sparse_mean = jesp.sparsify(jnp.mean) return sparse_mean(self.transport_matrices, axis=0) @property def dual_costs(self) -> jnp.ndarray: """Array of shape ``[d,]`` containing the dual costs.""" assert self.dual_a is not None, "Dual variables have not been computed." dual_obj = jnp.sum(self.dual_a * self.prob.a[None, :], axis=1) dual_obj += jnp.sum(self.dual_b * self.prob.b[None, :], axis=1) return dual_obj
[docs] def uniform_solver( prob: linear_problem.LinearProblem, return_transport: bool = False, ) -> UnivariateOutput: """Univariate solver between two equally sized and uniformly weighted distributions. Args: prob: Problem with two :class:`point clouds <ott.geometry.pointcloud.PointCloud>` of shapes ``[n, d]`` and ``[n, d]`` and a ground cost. The ``[n,]`` sized probability weights are stored in attributes :attr:`~ott.problems.linear.linear_problem.LinearProblem.a` and :attr:`~ott.problems.linear.linear_problem.LinearProblem.b`. return_transport: Whether to also return the mapped pairs used to compute the :attr:`~ott.solvers.linear.univariate.UnivariateOutput.transport_matrices`. Returns: The univariate output. Note that the :attr:`~ott.solvers.linear.univariate.UnivariateOutput.mass_paired_indices` can be :math:`0` in some entries, but always sums to :math:`1` for each of the :math:`d` slices. """ # noqa: E501 @functools.partial(jax.vmap, in_axes=[1, 1]) @functools.partial(jax.vmap, in_axes=[0, 0]) def cost(x: jnp.ndarray, y: jnp.ndarray) -> float: return cost_fn(x[None], y[None]) assert prob.is_equal_size, "Source and target have different sizes." assert prob.is_uniform, "Source or target marginals are not uniform." geom = prob.geom n, _ = geom.shape x, y, cost_fn = geom.x, geom.y, geom.cost_fn i_x, i_y = jnp.argsort(x, axis=0), jnp.argsort(y, axis=0) x = jnp.take_along_axis(x, i_x, axis=0) y = jnp.take_along_axis(y, i_y, axis=0) ot_costs = jnp.mean(cost(x, y), axis=-1) # (d, n) -> (d,) if return_transport: paired_indices = jnp.stack([i_x, i_y]).transpose([2, 0, 1]) mass_paired_indices = jnp.ones((len(ot_costs), n)) / n else: paired_indices = mass_paired_indices = None return UnivariateOutput( prob, ot_costs, paired_indices=paired_indices, mass_paired_indices=mass_paired_indices, )
[docs] def quantile_solver( prob: linear_problem.LinearProblem, return_transport: bool = False, ) -> UnivariateOutput: """Univariate solver between quantile functions of distributions. Args: prob: Problem with two :class:`point clouds <ott.geometry.pointcloud.PointCloud>` of shapes ``[n, d]`` and ``[m, d]`` and a ground cost. The ``[n,]`` and ``[m,]`` sized probability weights vectors are stored in attributes :attr:`~ott.problems.linear.linear_problem.LinearProblem.a` and :attr:`~ott.problems.linear.linear_problem.LinearProblem.b`. return_transport: Whether to also return the mapped pairs used to compute the :attr:`~ott.solvers.linear.univariate.UnivariateOutput.transport_matrices`. Returns: The univariate output. Note that the :attr:`~ott.solvers.linear.univariate.UnivariateOutput.mass_paired_indices` can be :math:`0` in some entries, but always sums to :math:`1` for each of the :math:`d` slices. Notes: This function was inspired by :func:`~scipy.stats.wasserstein_distance`, but can be used with other costs, not just :math:`c(x, y) = |x - y|`. """ # noqa: E501 @functools.partial(jax.vmap, in_axes=[1, 1]) def dist(x: jnp.ndarray, y: jnp.ndarray): x, i_x = mu.sort_and_argsort(x, argsort=True) y, i_y = mu.sort_and_argsort(y, argsort=True) all_values = jnp.concatenate([x, y]) all_values_sorted, all_values_sorter = mu.sort_and_argsort( all_values, argsort=True ) x_pdf = jnp.concatenate([prob.a[i_x], jnp.zeros_like(prob.b)]) x_pdf = x_pdf[all_values_sorter] y_pdf = jnp.concatenate([jnp.zeros_like(prob.a), prob.b[i_y]]) y_pdf = y_pdf[all_values_sorter] x_cdf = jnp.cumsum(x_pdf) y_cdf = jnp.cumsum(y_pdf) x_y_cdfs = jnp.concatenate([x_cdf, y_cdf]) quantile_levels, _ = mu.sort_and_argsort(x_y_cdfs, argsort=False) i_x_cdf_inv = jnp.searchsorted(x_cdf, quantile_levels) x_cdf_inv = all_values_sorted[i_x_cdf_inv] i_y_cdf_inv = jnp.searchsorted(y_cdf, quantile_levels) y_cdf_inv = all_values_sorted[i_y_cdf_inv] diff_q = jnp.diff(quantile_levels) successive_costs = jax.vmap( prob.geom.cost_fn, in_axes=[0, 0] )(x_cdf_inv[1:, None], y_cdf_inv[1:, None]) cost = jnp.sum(successive_costs * diff_q) if not return_transport: return cost, None, None n = x.shape[0] i_in_sorted_x_of_quantile = all_values_sorter[i_x_cdf_inv] % n i_in_sorted_y_of_quantile = all_values_sorter[i_y_cdf_inv] - n orig_i = i_x[i_in_sorted_x_of_quantile][1:] orig_j = i_y[i_in_sorted_y_of_quantile][1:] paired_indices, mass_paired_indices = jnp.stack([orig_i, orig_j]), diff_q return cost, paired_indices, mass_paired_indices ot_costs, pi, mpi = dist(prob.geom.x, prob.geom.y) return UnivariateOutput( prob, ot_costs, paired_indices=pi, mass_paired_indices=mpi, )
[docs] def north_west_solver(prob: linear_problem.LinearProblem) -> UnivariateOutput: """Univariate solver that implements the north-west corner rule. This rule is described in :cite:`peyre:19`, sec. 3.4.2 and the dual variables are stored as described in :cite:`sejourne:22`, alg. 3. Args: prob: Problem with two :class:`point clouds <ott.geometry.pointcloud.PointCloud>` of shapes ``[n, d]`` and ``[m, d]`` and a ground cost. The ``[n,]`` and ``[m,]`` sized probability weights are stored in attributes :attr:`~ott.problems.linear.linear_problem.LinearProblem.a` and :attr:`~ott.problems.linear.linear_problem.LinearProblem.b`. Returns: The univariate output. Note that the :attr:`~ott.solvers.linear.univariate.UnivariateOutput.mass_paired_indices` can be :math:`0` in some entries, but always sums to :math:`1` for each of the :math:`d` slices. """ # noqa: E501 class State(NamedTuple): x: jnp.ndarray y: jnp.ndarray a: jnp.ndarray b: jnp.ndarray paired_indices: jnp.ndarray mass_paired_indices: jnp.ndarray dual_a: jnp.ndarray dual_b: jnp.ndarray def dual_a_update(state: State, i: int, j: int) -> Tuple[State, jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]: next_ixs = jnp.array([i + 1, j]) val = cost_fn(state.x[i + 1, None], state.y[j, None]) - state.dual_b[j] da =[i + 1].set(val) return state._replace(dual_a=da), state.a[i], next_ixs def dual_b_update(state: State, i: int, j: int) -> Tuple[State, jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]: next_ixs = jnp.array([i, j + 1]) val = cost_fn(state.x[i, None], state.y[j + 1, None]) - state.dual_a[i] db =[j + 1].set(val) return state._replace(dual_b=db), state.b[j], next_ixs def body_fun(ix: int, state: State) -> State: i, j = state.paired_indices[0, ix], state.paired_indices[1, ix] state, min_ab, next_ixs = jax.lax.cond( state.a[i] < state.b[j], dual_a_update, dual_b_update, state, i, j ) pi =[:, ix + 1].set(next_ixs) mpi =[ix].set(min_ab) a_ =[i].set(state.a[i] - min_ab) b_ =[j].set(state.b[j] - min_ab) return state._replace( paired_indices=pi, mass_paired_indices=mpi, a=a_, b=b_ ) @functools.partial(jax.vmap, in_axes=[1, 1]) def dist(x: jnp.ndarray, y: jnp.ndarray): x, i_x = mu.sort_and_argsort(x, argsort=True) y, i_y = mu.sort_and_argsort(y, argsort=True) sorted_a, sorted_b = a[i_x], b[i_y] paired_indices = jnp.zeros((2, q), dtype=int) mass_paired_indices = jnp.zeros(q) state = State( x, y, a=sorted_a, b=sorted_b, paired_indices=paired_indices, mass_paired_indices=mass_paired_indices, dual_a=jnp.zeros(n), dual_b=jnp.zeros(m).at[0].set(cost_fn(x[0, None], y[0, None])), ) state = jax.lax.fori_loop(0, q - 1, body_fun, state) ot_cost = jnp.sum(state.dual_a * sorted_a ) + jnp.sum(state.dual_b * sorted_b) p_final = jnp.maximum(state.a[-1], state.b[-1]) mass_paired_indices =[-1].set(p_final) return ( ot_cost, state.paired_indices, mass_paired_indices, # restore the original order state.dual_a[jnp.argsort(i_x)], state.dual_b[jnp.argsort(i_y)], ) a, b = prob.a, prob.b n, m = prob.geom.shape q = m + n - 1 cost_fn = prob.geom.cost_fn ot_costs, pi, mpi, dual_a, dual_b = dist(prob.geom.x, prob.geom.y) return UnivariateOutput( prob, ot_costs, paired_indices=pi, mass_paired_indices=mpi, dual_a=dual_a, dual_b=dual_b, )