Source code for ott.solvers.linear.lr_utils

# Copyright OTT-JAX
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.scipy as jsp

from ott.math import fixed_point_loop
from ott.problems.linear import linear_problem

__all__ = ["unbalanced_dykstra_lse", "unbalanced_dykstra_kernel"]

class State(NamedTuple):  # noqa: D101
  v1: jnp.ndarray
  v2: jnp.ndarray
  u1: jnp.ndarray
  u2: jnp.ndarray
  g: jnp.ndarray
  err: float

class Constants(NamedTuple):  # noqa: D101
  a: jnp.ndarray
  b: jnp.ndarray
  rho_a: float
  rho_b: float
  supp_a: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None
  supp_b: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None

[docs] def unbalanced_dykstra_lse( c_q: jnp.ndarray, c_r: jnp.ndarray, c_g: jnp.ndarray, gamma: float, ot_prob: linear_problem.LinearProblem, translation_invariant: bool = True, tolerance: float = 1e-3, min_iter: int = 0, inner_iter: int = 10, max_iter: int = 10000 ) -> Tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]: """Dykstra's algorithm for the unbalanced :class:`~ott.solvers.linear.sinkhorn_lr.LRSinkhorn` in LSE mode. Args: c_q: Cost associated with :math:`Q`. c_r: Cost associated with :math:`R`. c_g: Cost associated with :math:`g`. gamma: The (inverse of) the gradient step. ot_prob: Unbalanced OT problem. translation_invariant: Whether to use the translation invariant objective, see :cite:`scetbon:23`, alg. 3. tolerance: Convergence threshold. min_iter: Minimum number of iterations. inner_iter: Compute error every ``inner_iter``. max_iter: Maximum number of iterations. Returns: The :math:`Q`, :math:`R` and :math:`g` factors. """ # noqa: D205 def _softm( v: jnp.ndarray, c: jnp.ndarray, axis: int, ) -> jnp.ndarray: v = jnp.expand_dims(v, axis=1 - axis) return jsp.special.logsumexp(v + c, axis=axis) def _error( gamma: float, new_state: State, old_state: State, ) -> float: u1_err = jnp.linalg.norm(new_state.u1 - old_state.u1, ord=jnp.inf) u2_err = jnp.linalg.norm(new_state.u2 - old_state.u2, ord=jnp.inf) v1_err = jnp.linalg.norm(new_state.v1 - old_state.v1, ord=jnp.inf) v2_err = jnp.linalg.norm(new_state.v2 - old_state.v2, ord=jnp.inf) return (1.0 / gamma) * jnp.max(jnp.array([u1_err, u2_err, v1_err, v2_err])) def cond_fn( iteration: int, const: Constants, state: State, ) -> bool: del iteration, const return tolerance < state.err def body_fn( iteration: int, const: Constants, state: State, compute_error: bool ) -> State: log_a, log_b = jnp.log(const.a), jnp.log(const.b) rho_a, rho_b = const.rho_a, const.rho_b c_a = _get_ratio(const.rho_a, gamma) c_b = _get_ratio(const.rho_b, gamma) if translation_invariant: lam_a, lam_b = compute_lambdas(const, state, gamma, g=c_g, lse_mode=True) u1 = c_a * (log_a - _softm(state.v1, c_q, axis=1)) u1 = u1 - lam_a / ((1.0 / gamma) + rho_a) u2 = c_b * (log_b - _softm(state.v2, c_r, axis=1)) u2 = u2 - lam_b / ((1.0 / gamma) + rho_b) state_lam = State( v1=state.v1, v2=state.v2, u1=u1, u2=u2, g=state.g, err=state.err ) lam_a, lam_b = compute_lambdas( const, state_lam, gamma, g=c_g, lse_mode=True ) v1_trans = _softm(u1, c_q, axis=0) v2_trans = _softm(u2, c_r, axis=0) g_trans = gamma * (lam_a + lam_b) + c_g else: u1 = c_a * (log_a - _softm(state.v1, c_q, axis=1)) u2 = c_b * (log_b - _softm(state.v2, c_r, axis=1)) v1_trans = _softm(u1, c_q, axis=0) v2_trans = _softm(u2, c_r, axis=0) g_trans = c_g g = (1.0 / 3.0) * (g_trans + v1_trans + v2_trans) v1 = g - v1_trans v2 = g - v2_trans new_state = State(v1=v1, v2=v2, u1=u1, u2=u2, g=g, err=jnp.inf) err = jax.lax.cond( jnp.logical_and(compute_error, iteration >= min_iter), _error, lambda *_: state.err, gamma, new_state, state, ) return State(v1=v1, v2=v2, u1=u1, u2=u2, g=g, err=err) n, m, r = c_q.shape[0], c_r.shape[0], c_g.shape[0] constants = Constants( a=ot_prob.a, b=ot_prob.b, rho_a=_rho(ot_prob.tau_a), rho_b=_rho(ot_prob.tau_b), supp_a=ot_prob.a > 0, supp_b=ot_prob.b > 0, ) init_state = State( v1=jnp.zeros(r), v2=jnp.zeros(r), u1=jnp.zeros(n), u2=jnp.zeros(m), g=c_g, err=jnp.inf, ) state: State = fixed_point_loop.fixpoint_iter_backprop( cond_fn, body_fn, min_iter, max_iter, inner_iter, constants, init_state ) q = jnp.exp(state.u1[:, None] + c_q + state.v1[None, :]) r = jnp.exp(state.u2[:, None] + c_r + state.v2[None, :]) g = jnp.exp(state.g) return q, r, g
[docs] def unbalanced_dykstra_kernel( k_q: jnp.ndarray, k_r: jnp.ndarray, k_g: jnp.ndarray, gamma: float, ot_prob: linear_problem.LinearProblem, translation_invariant: bool = True, tolerance: float = 1e-3, min_iter: int = 0, inner_iter: int = 10, max_iter: int = 10000 ) -> Tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]: """Dykstra's algorithm for the unbalanced :class:`~ott.solvers.linear.sinkhorn_lr.LRSinkhorn` in kernel mode. Args: k_q: Kernel associated with :math:`Q`. k_r: Kernel associated with :math:`R`. k_g: Kernel associated with :math:`g`. gamma: The (inverse of) the gradient step. ot_prob: Unbalanced OT problem. translation_invariant: Whether to use the translation invariant objective, see :cite:`scetbon:23`, alg. 3. tolerance: Convergence threshold. min_iter: Minimum number of iterations. inner_iter: Compute error every ``inner_iter``. max_iter: Maximum number of iterations. Returns: The :math:`Q`, :math:`R` and :math:`g` factors. """ # noqa: D205 def _error( gamma: float, new_state: State, old_state: State, ) -> float: u1_err = jnp.linalg.norm( jnp.log(new_state.u1) - jnp.log(old_state.u1), ord=jnp.inf ) u2_err = jnp.linalg.norm( jnp.log(new_state.u2) - jnp.log(old_state.u2), ord=jnp.inf ) v1_err = jnp.linalg.norm( jnp.log(new_state.v1) - jnp.log(old_state.v1), ord=jnp.inf ) v2_err = jnp.linalg.norm( jnp.log(new_state.v2) - jnp.log(old_state.v2), ord=jnp.inf ) return (1.0 / gamma) * jnp.max(jnp.array([u1_err, u2_err, v1_err, v2_err])) def cond_fn( iteration: int, const: Constants, state: State, ) -> bool: del iteration, const return tolerance < state.err def body_fn( iteration: int, const: Constants, state: State, compute_error: bool ) -> State: c_a = _get_ratio(const.rho_a, gamma) c_b = _get_ratio(const.rho_b, gamma) if translation_invariant: lam_a, lam_b = compute_lambdas(const, state, gamma, g=k_g, lse_mode=False) u1 = jnp.where(const.supp_a, (const.a / (k_q @ state.v1)) ** c_a, 0.0) u1 = u1 * jnp.exp(-lam_a / ((1.0 / gamma) + const.rho_a)) u2 = jnp.where(const.supp_b, (const.b / (k_r @ state.v2)) ** c_b, 0.0) u2 = u2 * jnp.exp(-lam_b / ((1.0 / gamma) + const.rho_b)) state_lam = State( v1=state.v1, v2=state.v2, u1=u1, u2=u2, g=state.g, err=state.err ) lam_a, lam_b = compute_lambdas( const, state_lam, gamma, g=k_g, lse_mode=False ) v1_trans = k_q.T @ u1 v2_trans = k_r.T @ u2 k_trans = jnp.exp(gamma * (lam_a + lam_b)) * k_g g = (k_trans * v1_trans * v2_trans) ** (1.0 / 3.0) else: u1 = jnp.where(const.supp_a, (const.a / (k_q @ state.v1)) ** c_a, 0.0) u2 = jnp.where(const.supp_b, (const.b / (k_r @ state.v2)) ** c_b, 0.0) v1_trans = k_q.T @ u1 v2_trans = k_r.T @ u2 g = (k_g * v1_trans * v2_trans) ** (1.0 / 3.0) v1 = g / v1_trans v2 = g / v2_trans new_state = State(v1=v1, v2=v2, u1=u1, u2=u2, g=g, err=jnp.inf) err = jax.lax.cond( jnp.logical_and(compute_error, iteration >= min_iter), _error, lambda *_: state.err, gamma, new_state, state, ) return State(v1=v1, v2=v2, u1=u1, u2=u2, g=g, err=err) n, m, r = k_q.shape[0], k_r.shape[0], k_g.shape[0] constants = Constants( a=ot_prob.a, b=ot_prob.b, rho_a=_rho(ot_prob.tau_a), rho_b=_rho(ot_prob.tau_b), supp_a=ot_prob.a > 0.0, supp_b=ot_prob.b > 0.0, ) init_state = State( v1=jnp.ones(r), v2=jnp.ones(r), u1=jnp.ones(n), u2=jnp.ones(m), g=k_g, err=jnp.inf ) state: State = fixed_point_loop.fixpoint_iter_backprop( cond_fn, body_fn, min_iter, max_iter, inner_iter, constants, init_state ) q = state.u1[:, None] * k_q * state.v1[None, :] r = state.u2[:, None] * k_r * state.v2[None, :] return q, r, state.g
def compute_lambdas( const: Constants, state: State, gamma: float, g: jnp.ndarray, *, lse_mode: bool ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """TODO.""" gamma_inv = 1.0 / gamma rho_a = const.rho_a rho_b = const.rho_b if lse_mode: num_1 = jsp.special.logsumexp((-gamma_inv / rho_a) * state.u1, b=const.a) num_2 = jsp.special.logsumexp((-gamma_inv / rho_b) * state.u2, b=const.b) den = jsp.special.logsumexp(g - (state.v1 + state.v2)) const_1 = num_1 - den const_2 = num_2 - den ratio_1 = _get_ratio(rho_a, gamma) ratio_2 = _get_ratio(rho_b, gamma) harmonic = 1.0 / (1.0 - (ratio_1 * ratio_2)) lam_1 = harmonic * gamma_inv * ratio_1 * (const_1 - ratio_2 * const_2) lam_2 = harmonic * gamma_inv * ratio_2 * (const_2 - ratio_1 * const_1) return lam_1, lam_2 num_1 = jnp.sum( jnp.where( const.supp_a, ((state.u1 ** (-gamma_inv / rho_a)) * const.a), 0.0 ) ) num_2 = jnp.sum( jnp.where( const.supp_b, ((state.u2 ** (-gamma_inv / rho_b)) * const.b), 0.0 ) ) den = jnp.sum(g / (state.v1 * state.v2)) const_1 = jnp.log(num_1 / den) const_2 = jnp.log(num_2 / den) ratio_1 = _get_ratio(rho_a, gamma) ratio_2 = _get_ratio(rho_b, gamma) harmonic = 1.0 / (1.0 - (ratio_1 * ratio_2)) lam_1 = harmonic * gamma_inv * ratio_1 * (const_1 - ratio_2 * const_2) lam_2 = harmonic * gamma_inv * ratio_2 * (const_2 - ratio_1 * const_1) return lam_1, lam_2 def _rho(tau: float) -> float: tau = jnp.asarray(tau) # avoid division by 0 in Python, get NaN instead return tau / (1.0 - tau) def _get_ratio(rho: float, gamma: float) -> float: gamma_inv = 1.0 / gamma return jnp.where(jnp.isfinite(rho), rho / (rho + gamma_inv), 1.0)