Source code for ott.problems.linear.potentials

# Copyright OTT-JAX
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Literal, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.scipy as jsp
import jax.tree_util as jtu
import numpy as np

from ott.geometry import costs
from ott.problems.linear import linear_problem

  import matplotlib as mpl
  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
  mpl = plt = None

__all__ = ["DualPotentials", "EntropicPotentials"]
Potential_t = Callable[[jnp.ndarray], float]

[docs] @jtu.register_pytree_node_class class DualPotentials: r"""The Kantorovich dual potential functions :math:`f` and :math:`g`. :math:`f` and :math:`g` are a pair of functions, candidates for the dual OT Kantorovich problem, supposedly optimal for a given pair of measures. Args: f: The first dual potential function. g: The second dual potential function. cost_fn: The cost function used to solve the OT problem. corr: Whether the duals solve the problem in distance form, or correlation form (as used for instance for ICNNs, see, e.g., top right of p.3 in :cite:`makkuva:20`) """ def __init__( self, f: Potential_t, g: Potential_t, *, cost_fn: costs.CostFn, corr: bool = False ): self._f = f self._g = g assert ( not corr or type(cost_fn) is costs.SqEuclidean ), "Duals in `corr` form can only be used with a squared-Euclidean cost." self.cost_fn = cost_fn self._corr = corr
[docs] def transport(self, vec: jnp.ndarray, forward: bool = True) -> jnp.ndarray: r"""Transport ``vec`` according to Gangbo-McCann Brenier :cite:`brenier:91`. Uses Proposition 1.15 from :cite:`santambrogio:15` to compute an OT map when applying the inverse gradient of cost. When the cost is a general cost, the operator uses the :meth:`~ott.geometry.costs.CostFn.twist_operator` associated of the corresponding :class:`~ott.geometry.costs.CostFn`. When the cost is a translation invariant :class:`~ott.geometry.costs.TICost` cost, :math:`c(x,y)=h(x-y)`, and the twist operator translates to the application of the convex conjugate of :math:`h` to the gradient of the dual potentials, namely :math:`x- (\nabla h^*)\circ \nabla f(x)` for the forward map, where :math:`h^*` is the Legendre transform of :math:`h`. For instance, in the case :math:`h(\cdot) = \|\cdot\|^2, \nabla h(\cdot) = 2 \cdot\,`, one has :math:`h^*(\cdot) = \|.\|^2 / 4`, and therefore :math:`\nabla h^*(\cdot) = 0.5 \cdot\,`. Note: When the dual potentials are solved in correlation form, and marked accordingly by setting ``corr`` to ``True``, the maps are :math:`\nabla g` for forward, :math:`\nabla f` for backward map. This can only make sense when using the squared-Euclidean :class:`~ott.geometry.costs.SqEuclidean` cost. Args: vec: Points to transport, array of shape ``[n, d]``. forward: Whether to transport the points from source to the target distribution or vice-versa. Returns: The transported points. """ from ott.geometry import costs vec = jnp.atleast_2d(vec) if self._corr and isinstance(self.cost_fn, costs.SqEuclidean): return self._grad_f(vec) if forward else self._grad_g(vec) twist_op = jax.vmap(self.cost_fn.twist_operator, in_axes=[0, 0, None]) if forward: return twist_op(vec, self._grad_f(vec), False) return twist_op(vec, self._grad_g(vec), True)
[docs] def distance(self, src: jnp.ndarray, tgt: jnp.ndarray) -> float: r"""Evaluate Wasserstein distance between samples using dual potentials. This uses direct estimation of potentials against measures when dual functions are provided in usual form. This expression is valid for any cost function. When potentials are given in correlation form, as specified by the flag ``corr``, the dual potentials solve the dual problem corresponding to the minimization of the primal OT problem where the ground cost is :math:`-2\langle x,y\rangle`. To recover the (squared) 2-Wasserstein distance, terms are re-arranged and contributions from squared norms are taken into account. Args: src: Samples from the source distribution, array of shape ``[n, d]``. tgt: Samples from the target distribution, array of shape ``[m, d]``. Returns: Wasserstein distance using specified cost function. """ src, tgt = jnp.atleast_2d(src), jnp.atleast_2d(tgt) f = jax.vmap(self.f) g = jax.vmap(self.g) out = jnp.mean(f(src)) + jnp.mean(g(tgt)) if self._corr: out = -2.0 * out + jnp.mean(jnp.sum(src ** 2, axis=-1)) out += jnp.mean(jnp.sum(tgt ** 2, axis=-1)) return out
@property def f(self) -> Potential_t: """The first dual potential function.""" return self._f @property def g(self) -> Potential_t: """The second dual potential function.""" return self._g @property def _grad_f(self) -> Callable[[jnp.ndarray], jnp.ndarray]: """Vectorized gradient of the potential function :attr:`f`.""" return jax.vmap(jax.grad(self.f, argnums=0)) @property def _grad_g(self) -> Callable[[jnp.ndarray], jnp.ndarray]: """Vectorized gradient of the potential function :attr:`g`.""" return jax.vmap(jax.grad(self.g, argnums=0)) def tree_flatten(self) -> Tuple[Sequence[Any], Dict[str, Any]]: # noqa: D102 return [], { "f": self._f, "g": self._g, "cost_fn": self.cost_fn, "corr": self._corr } @classmethod def tree_unflatten( # noqa: D102 cls, aux_data: Dict[str, Any], children: Sequence[Any] ) -> "DualPotentials": return cls(*children, **aux_data)
[docs] def plot_ot_map( self, source: jnp.ndarray, target: jnp.ndarray, samples: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None, forward: bool = True, ax: Optional["plt.Axes"] = None, scatter_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, legend_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Tuple["plt.Figure", "plt.Axes"]: """Plot data and learned optimal transport map. Args: source: samples from the source measure target: samples from the target measure samples: extra samples to transport, either ``source`` (if ``forward``) or ``target`` (if not ``forward``) by default. forward: use the forward map from the potentials if ``True``, otherwise use the inverse map. ax: axis to add the plot to scatter_kwargs: additional kwargs passed into :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter` legend_kwargs: additional kwargs passed into :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.legend` Returns: Figure and axes. """ if mpl is None: raise RuntimeError("Please install `matplotlib` first.") if scatter_kwargs is None: scatter_kwargs = {"alpha": 0.5} if legend_kwargs is None: legend_kwargs = { "ncol": 3, "loc": "upper center", "bbox_to_anchor": (0.5, -0.05), "edgecolor": "k" } if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(facecolor="white") ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig = ax.get_figure() # plot the source and target samples if forward: label_transport = r"$\nabla f(source)$" source_color, target_color = "#1A254B", "#A7BED3" else: label_transport = r"$\nabla g(target)$" source_color, target_color = "#A7BED3", "#1A254B" ax.scatter( source[:, 0], source[:, 1], color=source_color, label="source", **scatter_kwargs, ) ax.scatter( target[:, 0], target[:, 1], color=target_color, label="target", **scatter_kwargs, ) # plot the transported samples samples = (source if forward else target) if samples is None else samples transported_samples = self.transport(samples, forward=forward) ax.scatter( transported_samples[:, 0], transported_samples[:, 1], color="#F2545B", label=label_transport, **scatter_kwargs, ) for i in range(samples.shape[0]): ax.arrow( samples[i, 0], samples[i, 1], transported_samples[i, 0] - samples[i, 0], transported_samples[i, 1] - samples[i, 1], color=[0.5, 0.5, 1], alpha=0.3, ) ax.legend(**legend_kwargs) return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_potential( self, forward: bool = True, quantile: float = 0.05, kantorovich: bool = True, ax: Optional["mpl.axes.Axes"] = None, x_bounds: Tuple[float, float] = (-6, 6), y_bounds: Tuple[float, float] = (-6, 6), num_grid: int = 50, contourf_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Tuple["mpl.figure.Figure", "mpl.axes.Axes"]: r"""Plot the potential. Args: forward: use the forward map from the potentials if ``True``, otherwise use the inverse map quantile: quantile to filter the potentials with kantorovich: whether to plot the Kantorovich potential ax: axis to add the plot to x_bounds: x-axis bounds of the plot :math:`(x_{\text{min}}, x_{\text{max}})` y_bounds: y-axis bounds of the plot :math:`(y_{\text{min}}, y_{\text{max}})` num_grid: number of points to discretize the domain into a grid along each dimension contourf_kwargs: additional kwargs passed into :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.contourf` Returns: Figure and axes. """ if contourf_kwargs is None: contourf_kwargs = {} ax_specified = ax is not None if not ax_specified: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6), facecolor="white") else: fig = ax.get_figure() x1 = jnp.linspace(*x_bounds, num=num_grid) x2 = jnp.linspace(*y_bounds, num=num_grid) X1, X2 = jnp.meshgrid(x1, x2) X12flat = jnp.hstack((X1.reshape(-1, 1), X2.reshape(-1, 1))) Zflat = jax.vmap(self.f if forward else self.g)(X12flat) if kantorovich: Zflat = 0.5 * (jnp.linalg.norm(X12flat, axis=-1) ** 2) - Zflat Zflat = np.asarray(Zflat) vmin, vmax = np.quantile(Zflat, [quantile, 1.0 - quantile]) Zflat = Zflat.clip(vmin, vmax) Z = Zflat.reshape(X1.shape) CS = ax.contourf(X1, X2, Z, cmap="Blues", **contourf_kwargs) ax.set_xlim(*x_bounds) ax.set_ylim(*y_bounds) fig.colorbar(CS, ax=ax) if not ax_specified: fig.tight_layout() ax.set_title(r"$f$" if forward else r"$g$") return fig, ax
[docs] @jtu.register_pytree_node_class class EntropicPotentials(DualPotentials): """Dual potential functions from finite samples :cite:`pooladian:21`. Args: f_xy: The first dual potential vector of shape ``[n,]``. g_xy: The second dual potential vector of shape ``[m,]``. prob: Linear problem with :class:`~ott.geometry.pointcloud.PointCloud` geometry that was used to compute the dual potentials using, e.g., :class:`~ott.solvers.linear.sinkhorn.Sinkhorn`. f_xx: The first dual potential vector of shape ``[n,]`` used for debiasing :cite:`pooladian:22`. g_yy: The second dual potential vector of shape ``[m,]`` used for debiasing. """ def __init__( self, f_xy: jnp.ndarray, g_xy: jnp.ndarray, prob: linear_problem.LinearProblem, f_xx: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None, g_yy: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None, ): # we pass directly the arrays and override the properties # since only the properties need to be callable super().__init__(f_xy, g_xy, cost_fn=prob.geom.cost_fn, corr=False) self._prob = prob self._f_xx = f_xx self._g_yy = g_yy @property def f(self) -> Potential_t: # noqa: D102 return self._potential_fn(kind="f") @property def g(self) -> Potential_t: # noqa: D102 return self._potential_fn(kind="g") def _potential_fn(self, *, kind: Literal["f", "g"]) -> Potential_t: from ott.geometry import pointcloud def callback( x: jnp.ndarray, *, potential: jnp.ndarray, y: jnp.ndarray, weights: jnp.ndarray, epsilon: float, ) -> float: x = jnp.atleast_2d(x) assert x.shape[-1] == y.shape[-1], (x.shape, y.shape) geom = pointcloud.PointCloud(x, y, cost_fn=self.cost_fn) cost = geom.cost_matrix z = (potential - cost) / epsilon lse = -epsilon * jsp.special.logsumexp(z, b=weights, axis=-1) return jnp.squeeze(lse) assert isinstance( self._prob.geom, pointcloud.PointCloud ), f"Expected point cloud geometry, found `{type(self._prob.geom)}`." x, y = self._prob.geom.x, self._prob.geom.y a, b = self._prob.a, self._prob.b # `f_xx` or `g_yy` can both be `None`, we check for this later debiased_potentials = EntropicPotentials(self._f_xx, self._g_yy, self._prob) if kind == "f": # When seeking to evaluate 1st potential function, # the 2nd set of potential values and support should be used, # see proof of Prop. 2 in potential, arr, weights = self._g, y, b potential_other = None if self._f_xx is None else debiased_potentials.g else: potential, arr, weights = self._f, x, a potential_other = None if self._g_yy is None else debiased_potentials.f potential_xy = jax.tree_util.Partial( callback, potential=potential, y=arr, weights=weights, epsilon=self.epsilon, ) if potential_other is None: return potential_xy return lambda x: (potential_xy(x) - potential_other(x)) @property def is_debiased(self) -> bool: """Whether the :attr:`f` or :attr:`g` is debiased. The :attr:`g` potential is **not** debiased when ``static_b = True`` is passed in :func:``. """ return self._f_xx is not None or self._g_yy is not None @property def epsilon(self) -> float: """Entropy regularizer.""" return self._prob.geom.epsilon def tree_flatten(self) -> Tuple[Sequence[Any], Dict[str, Any]]: # noqa: D102 return [self._f, self._g, self._prob, self._f_xx, self._g_yy], {}