Source code for ott.solvers.linear.univariate

# Copyright OTT-JAX
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from ott import utils
from ott.geometry import costs, pointcloud
from ott.math import utils as mu
from ott.problems.linear import linear_problem

__all__ = [
    "UnivariateOutput", "UnivariateSolver", "uniform_distance",

Distance_t = Tuple[float, Optional[jnp.ndarray], Optional[jnp.ndarray]]

class UnivariateOutput(NamedTuple):  # noqa: D101
  """Output of the :class:`~ott.solvers.linear.UnivariateSolver`.

  Objects of this class contain both solutions and problem definition of a
  univariate OT problem.

    prob: OT problem between 2 weighted ``[n, d]`` and ``[m, d]`` point clouds.
    ot_costs: ``[d,]`` optimal transport cost values, computed independently
      along each of the ``d`` slices.
    paired_indices: ``None`` if no transport was computed / recorded (e.g. when
      using quantiles or subsampling approximations). Otherwise, output a tensor
      of shape ``[d, 2, m+n]``, of ``m+n`` pairs of indices, for which the
      optimal transport assigns mass, on each slice of the ``d`` slices
      described in the dataset. Namely, for each index ``0<=k<m+n``, ``0<=s<d``,
      if one has ``i:=paired_indices[s,0,k]`` and ``j:=paired_indices[s,1,k]``,
      then point ``i`` in the first point cloud sends mass to point ``j`` in the
      second, in slice ``s``.
    mass_paired_indices: ``[d, m+n]`` array of weights. Using notation above, if
      ``0<=k<m+n``, and ``0<=s<d``  then writing ``i:=paired_indices[s,0,k]``
      and ``j=paired_indices[s,1,k]``, point ``i`` sends
      ``mass_paired_indices[s,k]`` to point ``j``.
  prob: linear_problem.LinearProblem
  ot_costs: float
  paired_indices: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None
  mass_paired_indices: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None

  def transport_matrices(self) -> jnp.ndarray:
    """Outputs a ``[d, n, m]`` tensor of all ``[n, m]`` transport matrices.

    This tensor will be extremely sparse, since it will have at most ``d(n+m)``
    non-zero values, out of ``dnm`` total entries.
    assert self.paired_indices is not None, \
      "[d, n, m] tensor of transports cannot be computed, likely because an" \
      " approximate method was used (using either subsampling or quantiles)."

    n, m = self.prob.geom.shape
    if self.prob.is_equal_size and self.prob.is_uniform:
      transport_matrices_from_indices = jax.vmap(
          lambda idx, idy: jnp.eye(n)[idx, :][:, idy].T, in_axes=[0, 0]
      return transport_matrices_from_indices(
          self.paired_indices[:, 0, :], self.paired_indices[:, 1, :]

    # raveled indexing of entries.
    indices = self.paired_indices[:, 0] * m + self.paired_indices[:, 1]
    # segment sum is needed to collect several contributions
    return jax.vmap(
        lambda idx, mass: jax.ops.segment_sum(
            mass, idx, indices_are_sorted=True, num_segments=n * m
        ).reshape(n, m),
        in_axes=[0, 0]
    )(indices, self.mass_paired_indices)

  def mean_transport_matrix(self) -> jnp.ndarray:
    """Return the mean transport matrix, averaged over slices."""
    return jnp.mean(self.transport_matrices, axis=0)

[docs] @jax.tree_util.register_pytree_node_class class UnivariateSolver: r"""Univariate solver to compute 1D OT distance over slices of data. Computes 1-Dimensional optimal transport distance between two $d$-dimensional point clouds. The total distance is the sum of univariate Wasserstein distances on the $d$ slices of data: given two weighted point-clouds, stored as ``[n, d]`` and ``[m, d]`` in a :class:`~ott.problems.linear.linear_problem.LinearProblem` object, with respective weights ``a`` and ``b``, the solver computes ``d`` OT distances between each of these ``[n, 1]`` and ``[m, 1]`` slices. The distance is computed using the analytical formula by default, which involves sorting each of the slices independently. The optimal transport matrices are also outputted when possible (described in sparse form, i.e. pairs of indices and mass transferred between those indices). When weights ``a`` and ``b`` are uniform, and ``n=m``, the computation only involves comparing sorted entries per slice, and ``d`` assignments are given. The user may also supply a ``num_subsamples`` parameter to extract as many points from the original point cloud, sampled with probability masses ``a`` and ``b``. This then simply applied the method above to the subsamples, to output ``d`` costs, but assignments are not provided. When the problem is not uniform or not of equal size, the method defaults to an inversion of the CDF, and outputs both costs and transport matrix in sparse form. When a ``quantiles`` argument is passed, either specifying explicit quantiles or a grid of quantiles, the distance is evaluated by comparing the quantiles of the two point clouds on each slice. The OT costs are returned but assignments are not provided. Args: num_subsamples: Option to reduce the size of inputs by doing random subsampling, taken into account marginal probabilities. quantiles: When a vector or a number of quantiles is passed, the distance is computed by evaluating the cost function on the sectional (one for each dimension) quantiles of the two point cloud distributions described in the problem. """ def __init__( self, num_subsamples: Optional[int] = None, quantiles: Optional[Union[int, jnp.ndarray]] = None, ): self._quantiles = quantiles self.num_subsamples = num_subsamples @property def quantiles(self) -> Optional[jnp.ndarray]: """Quantiles' values used to evaluate OT cost.""" if self._quantiles is None: return None if isinstance(self._quantiles, int): return jnp.linspace(0.0, 1.0, self._quantiles) return self._quantiles @property def num_quantiles(self) -> int: """Number of quantiles used to evaluate OT cost.""" return 0 if self.quantiles is None else self.quantiles.shape[0] def __call__( self, prob: linear_problem.LinearProblem, return_transport: bool = True, rng: Optional[jax.Array] = None, ) -> UnivariateOutput: """Computes Univariate Distance between the ``d`` dimensional slices. Args: prob: Problem with a :attr:`~ott.problems.linear.LinearProblem.geom` attribute, the two point clouds ``x`` and ``y`` (of respective sizes ``[n, d]`` and ``[m, d]``) and a ground `TI cost <ott.geometry.costs.TICost>` between two scalars. The ``[n,]`` and ``[m,]`` size probability weights vectors are stored in attributes `:attr:`~ott.problems.linear.LinearProblem.a` and :attr:`~ott.problems.linear.LinearProblem.b`. return_transport: Whether to also return pairs of matched indices used to compute optimal transport matrices. rng: Used for random downsampling, if specified in the solver. Returns: An output object, that computes ``d`` OT costs, in addition to, possibly, paired lists of indices and their corresponding masses, on each of the ``d`` dimensional slices of the input. """ geom = prob.geom assert isinstance(geom, pointcloud.PointCloud), \ "Geometry object in problem must be a PointCloud." assert isinstance(geom.cost_fn, costs.TICost), \ "Geometry's cost must be translation invariant." rng = utils.default_prng_key(rng) if self.num_subsamples: x, y = self._subsample(prob, rng) is_uniform_same_size = True else: # check if problem has the property uniform / same number of points x, y = geom.x, geom.y is_uniform_same_size = prob.is_uniform and prob.is_equal_size if self.quantiles is not None: assert prob.is_uniform, \ "The 'quantiles' method can only be used with uniform marginals." out = _quant_dist(x, y, geom.cost_fn, self.quantiles, self.num_quantiles) elif is_uniform_same_size: return_transport = return_transport and not self.num_subsamples out = uniform_distance(x, y, geom.cost_fn, return_transport) else: fn = jax.vmap(quantile_distance, in_axes=[1, 1, None, None, None, None]) out = fn(x, y, geom.cost_fn, prob.a, prob.b, return_transport) return UnivariateOutput(prob, *out) def _subsample(self, prob: linear_problem.LinearProblem, rng: jax.Array) -> Tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]: n, m = prob.geom.shape x, y = prob.geom.x, prob.geom.y if prob.is_uniform: x = x[jnp.linspace(0, n, num=self.num_subsamples).astype(int), :] y = y[jnp.linspace(0, m, num=self.num_subsamples).astype(int), :] return x, y rng1, rng2 = jax.random.split(rng, 2) x = jax.random.choice(rng1, x, (self.num_subsamples,), p=prob.a, axis=0) y = jax.random.choice(rng2, y, (self.num_subsamples,), p=prob.b, axis=0) return x, y def tree_flatten(self): # noqa: D102 return None, (self.num_subsamples, self._quantiles) @classmethod def tree_unflatten(cls, aux_data, children): # noqa: D102 del children return cls(*aux_data)
def uniform_distance( x: jnp.ndarray, y: jnp.ndarray, cost_fn: costs.TICost, return_transport: bool = True ) -> Distance_t: """Distance between two equal-size families of uniformly weighted values x/y. Args: x: Vector ``[n,]`` of real values. y: Vector ``[n,]`` of real values. cost_fn: Translation invariant cost function, i.e. ``c(x, y) = h(x - y)``. return_transport: whether to return mapped pairs. Returns: optimal transport cost, a list of ``n+m`` paired indices, and their corresponding transport mass. Note that said mass can be null in some entries, but sums to 1.0 """ n = x.shape[0] i_x, i_y = jnp.argsort(x, axis=0), jnp.argsort(y, axis=0) x = jnp.take_along_axis(x, i_x, axis=0) y = jnp.take_along_axis(y, i_y, axis=0) ot_costs = jax.vmap(cost_fn.h, in_axes=[0])(x.T - y.T) / n if return_transport: paired_indices = jnp.stack([i_x, i_y]).transpose([2, 0, 1]) mass_paired_indices = jnp.ones((n,)) / n return ot_costs, paired_indices, mass_paired_indices return ot_costs, None, None def quantile_distance( x: jnp.ndarray, y: jnp.ndarray, cost_fn: costs.TICost, a: jnp.ndarray, b: jnp.ndarray, return_transport: bool = True, ) -> Distance_t: """Computes distance between quantile functions of distributions (a,x)/(b,y). Args: x: Vector ``[n,]`` of real values. y: Vector ``[m,]`` of real values. cost_fn: Translation invariant cost function, i.e. ``c(x, y) = h(x - y)``. a: Vector ``[n,]`` of non-negative weights summing to 1. b: Vector ``[m,]`` of non-negative weights summing to 1. return_transport: whether to return mapped pairs. Returns: optimal transport cost, a list of ``n + m`` paired indices, and their corresponding transport mass. Note that said mass can be null in some entries, but sums to 1.0 Notes: Inspired by :func:`~scipy.stats.wasserstein_distance`, but can be used with other costs, not just :math:`c(x, y) = |x - y|`. """ x, i_x = mu.sort_and_argsort(x, argsort=True) y, i_y = mu.sort_and_argsort(y, argsort=True) all_values = jnp.concatenate([x, y]) all_values_sorted, all_values_sorter = mu.sort_and_argsort( all_values, argsort=True ) x_pdf = jnp.concatenate([a[i_x], jnp.zeros_like(b)])[all_values_sorter] y_pdf = jnp.concatenate([jnp.zeros_like(a), b[i_y]])[all_values_sorter] x_cdf = jnp.cumsum(x_pdf) y_cdf = jnp.cumsum(y_pdf) x_y_cdfs = jnp.concatenate([x_cdf, y_cdf]) quantile_levels, _ = mu.sort_and_argsort(x_y_cdfs, argsort=False) i_x_cdf_inv = jnp.searchsorted(x_cdf, quantile_levels) x_cdf_inv = all_values_sorted[i_x_cdf_inv] i_y_cdf_inv = jnp.searchsorted(y_cdf, quantile_levels) y_cdf_inv = all_values_sorted[i_y_cdf_inv] diff_q = jnp.diff(quantile_levels) cost = jnp.sum( jax.vmap(cost_fn.h)(y_cdf_inv[1:, None] - x_cdf_inv[1:, None]) * diff_q ) if not return_transport: return cost, None, None n = x.shape[0] i_in_sorted_x_of_quantile = all_values_sorter[i_x_cdf_inv] % n i_in_sorted_y_of_quantile = all_values_sorter[i_y_cdf_inv] - n orig_i = i_x[i_in_sorted_x_of_quantile][1:] orig_j = i_y[i_in_sorted_y_of_quantile][1:] return cost, jnp.stack([orig_i, orig_j]), diff_q def _quant_dist( x: jnp.ndarray, y: jnp.ndarray, cost_fn: costs.TICost, q: jnp.ndarray, n_q: int ) -> Tuple[jnp.ndarray, None, None]: x_q = jnp.quantile(x, q, axis=0) y_q = jnp.quantile(y, q, axis=0) ot_costs = jax.vmap(cost_fn.pairwise, in_axes=[1, 1])(x_q, y_q) return ot_costs / n_q, None, None