Source code for ott.neural.networks.layers.posdef

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from flax import linen as nn

__all__ = ["PositiveDense", "PosDefPotentials"]

PRNGKey = jax.Array
Shape = Tuple[int, ...]
Dtype = Any
Array = jnp.ndarray

DEFAULT_KERNEL_INIT = lambda *a, **k: nn.initializers.lecun_normal()(*a, **k)
DEFAULT_BIAS_INIT = nn.initializers.zeros
DEFAULT_RECTIFIER = nn.activation.relu

[docs] class PositiveDense(nn.Module): """A linear transformation using a matrix with all entries non-negative. Args: dim_hidden: Number of output dimensions. rectifier_fn: Rectifier function. The default is :func:`~flax.linen.activation.relu`. use_bias: Whether to add bias to the output. kernel_init: Initializer for the matrix. The default is :func:`~flax.linen.initializers.lecun_normal`. bias_init: Initializer for the bias. The default is :func:`~flax.linen.initializers.zeros`. precision: Numerical precision of the computation. """ dim_hidden: int rectifier_fn: Callable[[Array], Array] = DEFAULT_RECTIFIER use_bias: bool = True kernel_init: Callable[[PRNGKey, Shape, Dtype], Array] = DEFAULT_KERNEL_INIT bias_init: Callable[[PRNGKey, Shape, Dtype], Array] = DEFAULT_BIAS_INIT precision: Optional[jax.lax.Precision] = None @nn.compact def __call__(self, x: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: """Applies a linear transformation to x along the last dimension. Args: x: Array of shape ``[batch, ..., features]``. Returns: Array of shape ``[batch, ..., dim_hidden]``. """ # TODO(michalk8): update when refactoring neuraldual # assert x.ndim > 1, x.ndim kernel = self.param( "kernel", self.kernel_init, (x.shape[-1], self.dim_hidden) ) kernel = self.rectifier_fn(kernel) x = jnp.tensordot(x, kernel, axes=(-1, 0), precision=self.precision) if self.use_bias: x = x + self.param("bias", self.bias_init, (self.dim_hidden,)) return x
[docs] class PosDefPotentials(nn.Module): r""":math:`\frac{1}{2} x^T (A_i A_i^T + \text{Diag}(d_i)) x + b_i^T x^2 + c_i` potentials. This class implements a layer that takes (batched) ``d``-dimensional vectors ``x`` in, to output a ``num_potentials``-dimensional vector. Each of the entries in that output is a positive definite quadratic form evaluated at ``x``; each of these quadratic terms is parameterized as a low-rank plus diagonal matrix. The low-rank term is parameterized as :math:`A_i A_i^T`, where each of these matrices is of size ``(rank, d)``. Taken together, these matrices form a tensor ``(num_potentials, rank, d)``. The diagonal terms :math:`d_i` form a ``(num_potentials, d)`` matrix of positive values; the linear terms :math:`b_i` form a ``(num_potentials, d)`` matrix. Finally, the :math:`c_i` are contained in a vector of size ``(num_potentials,)``. Args: num_potentials: Dimension of the output. rank: Rank of the matrices :math:`A_i` used as low-rank factors for the quadratic potentials. rectifier_fn: Rectifier function to ensure non-negativity of the diagonals :math:`d_i`. The default is :func:`~flax.linen.activation.relu`. use_linear: Whether to add a linear layers :math:`b_i` to the outputs. use_bias: Whether to add biases :math:`c_i` to the outputs. kernel_lr_init: Initializer for the matrices :math:`A_i` of the quadratic potentials when ``rank > 0``. The default is :func:`~flax.linen.initializers.lecun_normal`. kernel_diag_init: Initializer for the diagonals :math:`d_i`. The default is :func:`~flax.linen.initializers.ones`. kernel_linear_init: Initializer for the linear layers :math:`b_i`. The default is :func:`~flax.linen.initializers.lecun_normal`. bias_init: Initializer for the bias. The default is :func:`~flax.linen.initializers.zeros`. precision: Numerical precision of the computation. """ # noqa: D205,E501 num_potentials: int rank: int = 0 rectifier_fn: Callable[[Array], Array] = DEFAULT_RECTIFIER use_linear: bool = True use_bias: bool = True kernel_lr_init: Callable[[PRNGKey, Shape, Dtype], Array] = DEFAULT_KERNEL_INIT kernel_diag_init: Callable[[PRNGKey, Shape, Dtype], Array] = nn.initializers.ones kernel_linear_init: Callable[[PRNGKey, Shape, Dtype], Array] = DEFAULT_KERNEL_INIT bias_init: Callable[[PRNGKey, Shape, Dtype], Array] = DEFAULT_BIAS_INIT precision: Optional[jax.lax.Precision] = None @nn.compact def __call__(self, x: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: """Compute quadratic forms of the input. Args: x: Array of shape ``[batch, ..., features]``. Returns: Array of shape ``[batch, ..., num_potentials]``. """ # TODO(michalk8): update when refactoring neuraldual # assert x.ndim > 1, x.ndim dim_data = x.shape[-1] x = x.reshape((-1, dim_data)) diag_kernel = self.param( "diag_kernel", self.kernel_diag_init, (dim_data, self.num_potentials) ) # ensures the diag_kernel parameter stays non negative diag_kernel = self.rectifier_fn(diag_kernel) # (batch, dim_data, 1), (1, dim_data, num_potentials) y = 0.5 * jnp.sum(((x ** 2)[..., None] * diag_kernel[None]), axis=1) if self.rank > 0: quad_kernel = self.param( "quad_kernel", self.kernel_lr_init, (self.num_potentials, dim_data, self.rank) ) # (batch, num_potentials, rank) quad = 0.5 * jnp.tensordot( x, quad_kernel, axes=(-1, 1), precision=self.precision ) ** 2 y = y + jnp.sum(quad, axis=-1) if self.use_linear: linear_kernel = self.param( "lin_kernel", self.kernel_linear_init, (dim_data, self.num_potentials) ) y = y +, linear_kernel, precision=self.precision) if self.use_bias: y = y + self.param("bias", self.bias_init, (self.num_potentials,)) return y
[docs] @classmethod def init_from_samples( cls, source: jnp.ndarray, target: jnp.ndarray, **kwargs: Any ) -> "PosDefPotentials": """Initialize the layer using Gaussian approximation :cite:`bunne:22`. Args: source: Samples from the source distribution, array of shape ``[n, d]``. target: Samples from the target distribution, array of shape ``[m, d]``. kwargs: Keyword arguments for initialization. Note that ``use_linear`` will be always set to :obj:`True`. Returns: The layer with fixed linear and quadratic initialization. """ factor, mean = _compute_gaussian_map_params(source, target) kwargs["use_linear"] = True return cls( kernel_lr_init=lambda *_, **__: factor, kernel_linear_init=lambda *_, **__: mean.T, **kwargs, )
def _compute_gaussian_map_params( source: jnp.ndarray, target: jnp.ndarray ) -> Tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]: from ott.math import matrix_square_root from import gaussian g_s = gaussian.Gaussian.from_samples(source) g_t = gaussian.Gaussian.from_samples(target) lin_op = g_s.scale.gaussian_map(g_t.scale) b = jnp.squeeze(g_t.loc) - lin_op @ jnp.squeeze(g_s.loc) lin_op = matrix_square_root.sqrtm_only(lin_op) return jnp.expand_dims(lin_op, 0), jnp.expand_dims(b, 0)