Source code for ott.neural.networks.icnn

# Copyright OTT-JAX
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from flax import linen as nn

from ott.neural.networks import potentials
from ott.neural.networks.layers import posdef

__all__ = ["ICNN"]

DEFAULT_KERNEL_INIT = lambda *a, **k: nn.initializers.normal()(*a, **k)
DEFAULT_RECTIFIER = nn.activation.relu
DEFAULT_ACTIVATION = nn.activation.relu

[docs] class ICNN(potentials.BasePotential): """Input convex neural network (ICNN). Implementation of input convex neural networks as introduced in :cite:`amos:17` with initialization schemes proposed by :cite:`bunne:22`. Args: dim_data: data dimensionality. dim_hidden: sequence specifying size of hidden dimensions. The output dimension of the last layer is 1 by default. ranks: ranks of the matrices :math:`A_i` used as low-rank factors for the quadratic potentials. If a sequence is passed, it must contain ``len(dim_hidden) + 2`` elements, where the last 2 elements correspond to the ranks of the final layer with dimension 1 and the potentials, respectively. init_fn: Initializer for the kernel weight matrices. The default is :func:`~flax.linen.initializers.normal`. act_fn: choice of activation function used in network architecture, needs to be convex. The default is :func:`~flax.linen.activation.relu`. pos_weights: Enforce positive weights with a projection. If :obj:`False`, the positive weights should be enforced with clipping or regularization in the loss. rectifier_fn: function to ensure the non negativity of the weights. The default is :func:`~flax.linen.activation.relu`. gaussian_map_samples: Tuple of source and target points, used to initialize the ICNN to mimic the linear Bures map that morphs the (Gaussian approximation) of the input measure to that of the target measure. If :obj:`None`, the identity initialization is used, and ICNN mimics half the squared Euclidean norm. """ dim_data: int dim_hidden: Sequence[int] ranks: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]] = 1 init_fn: Callable[[jax.Array, Tuple[int, ...], Any], jnp.ndarray] = DEFAULT_KERNEL_INIT act_fn: Callable[[jnp.ndarray], jnp.ndarray] = DEFAULT_ACTIVATION pos_weights: bool = False rectifier_fn: Callable[[jnp.ndarray], jnp.ndarray] = DEFAULT_RECTIFIER gaussian_map_samples: Optional[Tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]] = None
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: # noqa: D102 dim_hidden = list(self.dim_hidden) + [1] *ranks, pos_def_rank = self._normalize_ranks() # final layer computes average, still with normalized rescaling self.w_zs = [self._get_wz(dim) for dim in dim_hidden[1:]] # subsequent layers re-injected into convex functions self.w_xs = [ self._get_wx(dim, rank) for dim, rank in zip(dim_hidden, ranks) ] self.pos_def_potentials = self._get_pos_def_potentials(pos_def_rank)
@nn.compact def __call__(self, x: jnp.ndarray) -> float: # noqa: D102 w_x, *w_xs = self.w_xs assert len(self.w_zs) == len(w_xs), (len(self.w_zs), len(w_xs)) z = self.act_fn(w_x(x)) for w_z, w_x in zip(self.w_zs, w_xs): z = self.act_fn(w_z(z) + w_x(x)) z = z + self.pos_def_potentials(x) return z.squeeze() def _get_wz(self, dim: int) -> nn.Module: if self.pos_weights: return posdef.PositiveDense( dim, kernel_init=self.init_fn, use_bias=False, rectifier_fn=self.rectifier_fn, ) return nn.Dense( dim, kernel_init=self.init_fn, use_bias=False, ) def _get_wx(self, dim: int, rank: int) -> nn.Module: return posdef.PosDefPotentials( rank=rank, num_potentials=dim, use_linear=True, use_bias=True, kernel_diag_init=nn.initializers.zeros, kernel_lr_init=self.init_fn, kernel_linear_init=self.init_fn, bias_init=nn.initializers.zeros, ) def _get_pos_def_potentials(self, rank: int) -> posdef.PosDefPotentials: kwargs = { "num_potentials": 1, "use_linear": True, "use_bias": True, "bias_init": nn.initializers.zeros } if self.gaussian_map_samples is None: return posdef.PosDefPotentials( rank=rank, kernel_diag_init=nn.initializers.ones, kernel_lr_init=nn.initializers.zeros, kernel_linear_init=nn.initializers.zeros, **kwargs, ) source, target = self.gaussian_map_samples return posdef.PosDefPotentials.init_from_samples( source, target, rank=self.dim_data, kernel_diag_init=nn.initializers.zeros, **kwargs, ) def _normalize_ranks(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: # +2 for the newly added layer with 1 + the final potentials n_ranks = len(self.dim_hidden) + 2 if isinstance(self.ranks, int): return (self.ranks,) * n_ranks assert len(self.ranks) == n_ranks, (len(self.ranks), n_ranks) return tuple(self.ranks) @property def is_potential(self) -> bool: # noqa: D102 return True