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# Copyright OTT-JAX
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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r"""Fit a Gaussian mixture model.

Sample usage:

# initialize GMM with K-means++
gmm_init = fit_gmm.initialize(

# refine GMM parameters using EM
gmm = fit_gmm.fit_model_em(

We fit the model using EM. Below we'll use notation following

Our data X is generated by a Gaussian mixture with unknown parameters \Theta.
We denote the (unobserved) component that gave rise to each point as Z.

In EM we start with an initial estimate of $\Theta$, $\Theta^{(0)}$, and we
then iteratively update it via

$$\Theta^{(t+1)} = \argmax_{\Theta} Q(\Theta|\Theta^{(t)})$$


Q(\Theta|\Theta(t)) = E_{Z|X,\Theta^{(t)}} \left[ \log L(\Theta; X, Z) \right]

from typing import Optional

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from import gaussian_mixture

__all__ = ["initialize", "fit_model_em"]

# EM algorithm for parameter estimation

def get_assignment_probs(
    gmm: gaussian_mixture.GaussianMixture, points: jnp.ndarray
) -> jnp.ndarray:
  r"""Get component assignment probabilities used in the E step of EM.

  Here we compute the component assignment probabilities p(Z|X, \Theta^{(t)})
  that we need to compute the expectation used for Q(\Theta|\Theta^{(t)}).

    gmm: GMM model
    points: set of samples being fitted, shape (n, n_dimensions)

    An array of assignment probabilities with shape (n, n_components)
  return jnp.exp(gmm.get_log_component_posterior(points))

def get_q(
    gmm: gaussian_mixture.GaussianMixture,
    assignment_probs: jnp.ndarray,
    points: jnp.ndarray,
    point_weights: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None,
) -> float:
  r"""Get Q(\Theta|\Theta^{(t)}).

    gmm: GaussianMixture with parameters \Theta
    assignment_probs: p(Z|X, \Theta^{(t)}) as computed by get_assignment_probs
    points: observations X
    point_weights: optional set of weights for the samples. If None, use
      a weight of 1/n where n is the number of points.

  # log P(X, Z| \Theta) = log P(X|Z, \Theta) + log P(Z|\Theta)
  loglik = (gmm.conditional_log_prob(points) + gmm.log_component_weights())
  if point_weights is None:
    point_weights = jnp.ones(points.shape[0])
  return (
      jnp.sum(point_weights * jnp.sum(assignment_probs * loglik, axis=-1)) /

def log_prob_loss(
    gmm: gaussian_mixture.GaussianMixture,
    points: jnp.ndarray,
    point_weights: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None,
) -> float:
  """Loss function: weighted mean of (-log prob of observations).

    gmm: GMM model
    points: set of samples being fitted
    point_weights: optional set of weights for the samples. If None, use
      a weight of 1/n where n is the number of points.

    The GMM loss for the points.
  if point_weights is None:
    return -jnp.mean(gmm.log_prob(points))
  return -jnp.sum(point_weights * gmm.log_prob(points)) / jnp.sum(point_weights)

[docs] def fit_model_em( gmm: gaussian_mixture.GaussianMixture, points: jnp.ndarray, point_weights: Optional[jnp.ndarray], steps: int, jit: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, ) -> gaussian_mixture.GaussianMixture: """Fit a GMM using the EM algorithm. Args: gmm: initial GMM model points: set of samples to fit, shape (n, n_dimensions) point_weights: optional set of weights for points, shape (n,). If None, uses equal weights for all points. steps: number of steps of EM to perform jit: if True, compile functions verbose: if True, print the loss at each step Returns: A GMM with updated parameters. """ if point_weights is None: point_weights = jnp.ones(points.shape[:-1]) loss_fn = log_prob_loss get_q_fn = get_q e_step_fn = get_assignment_probs m_step_fn = gaussian_mixture.GaussianMixture.from_points_and_assignment_probs if jit: loss_fn = jax.jit(loss_fn) get_q_fn = jax.jit(get_q_fn) e_step_fn = jax.jit(e_step_fn) m_step_fn = jax.jit(m_step_fn) for i in range(steps): assignment_probs = e_step_fn(gmm, points) gmm_new = m_step_fn(points, point_weights, assignment_probs) if gmm_new.has_nans(): raise ValueError("NaNs in fit.") if verbose: loss = loss_fn(gmm_new, points, point_weights) q = get_q_fn( gmm=gmm_new, assignment_probs=assignment_probs, points=points, point_weights=point_weights ) print(f"{i} q={q} -log prob={loss}") # noqa: T201 gmm = gmm_new return gmm
# KMeans++ for initialization # See for details def _get_dist_sq(points: jnp.ndarray, loc: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: """Get the squared distance from each point to each loc.""" def _dist_sq_one_loc(points: jnp.ndarray, loc: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: return jnp.sum((points - loc[None]) ** 2, axis=-1) dist_sq_fn = jax.vmap(_dist_sq_one_loc, in_axes=(None, 0), out_axes=1) return dist_sq_fn(points, loc) def _get_locs( rng: jax.Array, points: jnp.ndarray, n_components: int ) -> jnp.ndarray: """Get the initial component means. Args: rng: jax.random key points: (n, n_dimensions) array of observations n_components: desired number of components Returns: (n_components, n_dimensions) array of means. """ points = points.copy() n_points = points.shape[0] weights = jnp.ones(n_points) / n_points rng, subrng = jax.random.split(rng) index = jax.random.choice(subrng, a=points.shape[0], p=weights) loc = points[index] points = jnp.concatenate([points[:index], points[index + 1:]], axis=0) locs = loc[None] for _ in range(n_components - 1): dist_sq = _get_dist_sq(points, locs) min_dist_sq = jnp.min(dist_sq, axis=-1) weights = min_dist_sq / jnp.sum(min_dist_sq) rng, subrng = jax.random.split(rng) index = jax.random.choice(subrng, a=points.shape[0], p=weights) loc = points[index] points = jnp.concatenate([points[:index], points[index + 1:]], axis=0) locs = jnp.concatenate([locs, loc[None]], axis=0) return locs def from_kmeans_plusplus( rng: jax.Array, points: jnp.ndarray, point_weights: Optional[jnp.ndarray], n_components: int, ) -> gaussian_mixture.GaussianMixture: """Initialize a GMM via a single pass of K-means++. Args: rng: jax.random key points: (n, n_dimensions) array of observations point_weights: (n,) array of weights for points n_components: desired number of components Returns: An initial Gaussian mixture model. Raises: ValueError if any fitted parameters are non-finite. """ rng, subrng = jax.random.split(rng) locs = _get_locs(rng=subrng, points=points, n_components=n_components) dist_sq = _get_dist_sq(points, locs) assignment_prob = (dist_sq == jnp.min(dist_sq, axis=-1)[:, None]).astype(points.dtype) del dist_sq if point_weights is None: point_weights = jnp.ones_like(points[..., 0]) return gaussian_mixture.GaussianMixture.from_points_and_assignment_probs( points=points, point_weights=point_weights, assignment_probs=assignment_prob )
[docs] def initialize( rng: jax.Array, points: jnp.ndarray, point_weights: Optional[jnp.ndarray], n_components: int, n_attempts: int = 50, verbose: bool = False ) -> gaussian_mixture.GaussianMixture: """Initialize a GMM via K-means++ with retries on failure. Args: rng: jax.random key points: (n, n_dimensions) array of observations point_weights: (n,) array of weights for points n_components: desired number of components n_attempts: number of attempts to initialize before failing verbose: if True, print status information Returns: An initial Gaussian mixture model. Raises: ValueError if initialization was unsuccessful after n_attempts attempts. """ for attempt in range(n_attempts): rng, subrng = jax.random.split(rng) try: return from_kmeans_plusplus( rng=subrng, points=points, point_weights=point_weights, n_components=n_components ) except ValueError: if verbose: print(f"Failed to initialize, attempt {attempt}.") # noqa: T201 raise ValueError("Failed to initialize.")